
Planned Programme of the 11th ESREA BGL ALC Conference to Pécs, Hungary for 13-15. June 2019


Thursday, 13 June, 2019

Institute for Human Development and Cultural Studies, University of Pécs

Address: 7633 Pécs, Szántó Kovács 1/B


8.30 – 9.30



9.30 – 10.00

Official opening and Welcome speeches - room: Fsz/A

László Jankovits, Vice-Dean of Faculty of Humanities of the University of Pécs (UP)

Ewa Kurantowicz, Emilio Lucio-Villegas and Rob Evans, Convenors of ESREA BGL-ALC Network

Zoltán Huszár, Director of Institute for Human Development and Cultural Studies at UP


10.00 – 11.30

Plenary Session - room: Fsz/A

Adult learning and education in diverse communities: Cultural invasion or dialogical action for liberation? Revisiting Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Keynote from Licínio C. Lima with discussion to follow


11.30 – 13.00

Lunch break: Departure to House of Civic Communities for Lunch and Sections to work in Centre of town (7624 Pécs, Szent István tér 17.)


13.00 – 15.00

Panel Session in three distinctive groups (Section1/Section2 and Section5)


Section1 on ‘Integration and Diversity’ - Main Lecture Hall

Chairs: Rob Evans and Inez Koller


13.00 – 13.25

Sam Duncan: ‘Widening the Ownership of the Word’? – when adults read aloud

13.25 – 13.40


13.40 – 14.05

Jacqueline McFarlane-Fraser: Social pedagogy: creatively facilitating the self-directed learning of black and migrant people with learning disabilities

14.05 – 14.20


14.20 – 14.45

Rola Abu Zeid - Gertrude Cotter O'Neill: Living in Diverse Communities: Women’s Experiences on Integration and Inclusion in Carrigtwohill and East Cork (Ireland)

14.45 – 15.00



Section2 on ‘Culture in the Focus of Global and Local Approaches’ - Méhes room

Chairs: Emilio Lucio-Villegas and Erika Juhász


13.00 – 13.25

Ewa Kurantowicz: Acting for communities and learning. The local educators and academics in a discourse of cultural heritage

13.25 – 13.40


13.40 – 14.05

Katinka Käyhkö - Jyri Manninen - Jenna Valtonen - Sara Vainikka: Liberal Arts Courses and Social Relations in Highly Heterogenic Groups of Adults in Finland

14.05 – 14.20


14.20 – 14.45

Zsuzsa Koltai: The Role of Museum Learning in Societal Development

14.45 – 15.00



Section5 on ‘Effective Knowledge Transfer for Senior Learning’ - Mirror Room

Chairs: Teréz Kleisz and Jumbo Klercq


13.00 – 13.25

Jumbo Klercq: Learning to live together

13.25 – 13.40


13.40 – 14.05

Marta Gregorcic: Selected Results of the Project Old Guys Say Yes to Community: Targeting Men Aged 60 Years or More

14.05 – 14.20


14.20 – 14.45

Antonela Marjanusic - Judith Jennert: Influence of the European Social Fund on Institutions and Associations Providing Services for Senior Learners

14.45 – 15.00

Teréz Kleisz: Choices and barriers of effective knowledge transfer for quality intergenerational learning


15.00 – 15.30

Coffee BREAK


Section1 on ‘Integration and Diversity’ - Main Lecture Hall

Chairs: Rob Evans and Inez Koller


15.30 – 15.55

Inez Koller: Experimental research on the discrimination of disability

15.55 – 16.10


16.10 – 16.35

Rob Evans: Learning biographies in a European space for social mediation, diversity and inclusion

16.35 – 16.50


16.50 – 17.15

James E. Maria - Zsuzsa Kovacs - Yin Mar Winc: The Future of Adult Education and Longlife Learning in Tanzania: What do the Policies Say?

17.15 – 17.30



Section2 on ‘Culture in the Focus of Global and Local Approaches’ - Méhes room

Chairs: Emilio Lucio-Villegas and Erika Juhász


15.30 – 15.55

Erika Juhász: Cultural Learning Regions in Hungary

15.55 – 16.10


16.10 – 16.35

Emilio Lucio-Villegas: Raymond Williams and Antonio Gramsci: culture is a tool for living together

16.35 – 16.50


16.50 – 17.15

Dana Nurmukhanova - Taisia Muzafarova: Schools as Learning Organizations: Overview of Policy Development in Kazakhstan

17.15 – 17.30



Section5 on ‘Effective Knowledge Transfer for Senior Learning’ - Mirror Room

Chairs: Teréz Kleisz and Jumbo Klercq


15.30 – 15.55

Antonela Marjanusic - Judith Jennert: Influence of the European Social Fund on Institutions and Associations Providing Services for Senior Learners

15.55 – 16.10


16.10 – 16.35

Balázs Németh: The relevance of the model of global learning cities for local community learning - Examples from Cork and Pécs

16.35 – 16.50


16.50 – 17.05

Klára Bajusz: The Barriers of Learning in The Third Age

17.05 – 17.20



17.30 – 17.45 Short BREAK


17.45 – 19.00

Plenary Session - Main lecture Hall

Overcoming grave misunderstanding when different cultures meet. How adult education can promote cooperation between cultures

Keynote from Andreas Hejj with discussion to follow


19.00 – 21.00

Welcome Drink with wine and cheese - Lobby of House


Friday, 14. June 2019

House of Civic Communities in Pécs

Address: 7624 Pécs, Szent István tér 17.


09.00 – 10.30

Plenary Session - Main lecture Hall

Celebrations in adult education - jubilees as a remember for the future: Community Learning Centres in a local, regional and global perspective

Keynote from Heribert Hinzen with discussion to follow


10.30 – 11.00 Coffee BREAK


11.00 – 13.00

Panel Session in three distinctive groups (Section3/Section4 and Section5)


Section3 on ‘Educational Dimensions’ - Main lecture Hall

Chairs: Éva Farkas and Marta Gregorcic


11.00 – 11.25

Andrey E. Zuev: The education and vocational training as part of different generation lifestyle

11.25 – 11.40


11.40 – 12.05

Krisztina Fodorné Tóth: Diverse Electronic Learning Support – University Target Groups

12.05 – 12.20


12.20 – 12.45

Jupter Martins de Abreu Junior - Helen Wanderley do Prado: The schooling permanence in adult education in Brazil: reflections on the PROEJA Program

12.45 – 13.00



Section4 on ‘Community aspects of diversity in learning’ - Méhes room

Chairs: Ewa Kurantowicz and Mária Bajner


11.00 – 11.25

Davide Zoletto: Exploring the role of relationship between school and out-of-school contexts in promoting diverse communities in heterogeneous neighbourhoods

11.25 – 11.40


11.40 – 12.05

Mária Bajner: Here comes the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Net (de)Gen. Blessing or curse?

12.05 – 12.20


12.20 – 12.45

Gábor Erdei: Community development by cultural activities – opportunities and barriers in a disadvantageous Hungarian small region

12.45 – 13.00



Section5 on ‘Effective Knowledge Transfer for Senior Learning’ - Mirror Room

Chairs: Teréz Kleisz and Jumbo Klercq


11.00 – 11.25

Antonela Marjanusic - Judith Jennert: Competences and Training of Professionals Working with Senior Learners

11.25 – 11.40


11.40 – 12.05

Tamás Kovács: Developing a rural region by using the toolkit of andragogy

12.05 – 12.45



13.00 – 14.00


In the Lobby of House


14.00 – 16.00

Panel Session in three distinctive groups (Section3/Section4 and Section5)


Section3 on ‘Educational Dimensions’ - Main lecture Hall

Chairs: Éva Farkas and Marta Gregorcic


14.00 – 14.25

Zsuzsa Kovács: Analysing the teaching culture of an institution through the lens of students' discourses about learning

14.25 – 14.40


14.40 – 15.05

Abdalhamid Alahmad: Preservice teacher preparation for thinking skills education

15.05 – 15.20


15.20 – 15.45

Éva Farkas: Adult learning is key in the adaptation to the economic and social effects of the fourth industrial revolution

15.45 – 16.00



Section4 on ‘Community aspects of diversity in learning’ - Méhes room

Chairs: Ewa Kurantowicz and Mária Bajner


14.00 – 14.25

Balázs Benkei-Kovács: The policies of diversity and adult learning

14.25 – 14.40


14.40 – 15.05

Katarina Popovic: Community learning and new togetherness

15.05 – 15.20


15.20 – 15.45

Éva Szederkényi: Analysing the Role of Universities in the Development of Learning Cities – a Case Study to Integrate Diverse Adult Learning Communities

15.45 – 16.00



16.15 – 18.00

Guided City Tour

Option A) in Bishopry Area of Pécs

Option B.) in Zsolnay Cultural Quarter (Bus to leave for this site at. 16.10!)


19.30 – 22.00

Gala dinner at the Malteses’ house (7621 Pécs, Janus Pannonius u. 6.)


Saturday, 15 June, 2019

House of Civic Communities in Pécs

Address: 7624 Pécs, Szent István tér 17.


09.00 – 10.15

Plenary Session - Main lecture Hall

Universities for Better Adult and Lifelong Learning: Responses from higher education institutions to SDG4 on Quality Education to connect global and local

Keynote from Balázs Németh, eucen Steering Committee member


10.15 – 10.30

Coffee BREAK


10.30 – 11.30

Living and Learning in Diverse Communities?

Panel discussion with Licínio Lima, Ewa Kurantowicz, Emilo Lucio-Villegas and Rob Evans (to moderate)


11.30 – 12.00

Closing of the conference


13.00 – 17.00

Wine-tasting trip to Siklós-Villány Region with Guided tour and early dinner